Commentary of Chapter 12 of the Holy Quran: Yusuf (Joseph)
Purchase this course if you would like to only pay for the First Part of this 3-Part Course. If you would like to purchase all 3-Parts for discounted price of $175 please purchase this course instead
The verse-to-verse manner of the exegesis of the Quran (tafsīr al-Qur’ān) to be taught will use Allamah Tabatabai’s “al-Mīzān” and Ayatullah Jawadi Amoli’s “Tasnīm” as the basic structure and framework for the lessons. However, in addition to these important texts, numerous esoteric (bāṭinī) and mystical secrets (asrār) of the verses given by the mystics of old and present will be highlighted and expounded upon. Furthermore, a comparison between how the Holy Quran and the Old Testament have outlined the story of Yūsuf (peace be upon him), accentuating the differences and targeting how several Judaic traditions have entered their way into Islamic texts, will be another – albeit marginal – feature of the course. References are also made to selected poems of the urafa in relation to this most eloquent of Quranic stories.
The course will be divided into at least three series (I, II and III). Each series comprises 10-hours of lectures; the questions sent of any given lecture will be attempted to be answered in the following week.
Cost: for the whole course $175 [or $75 for each individual series]
Commencing Date: 1st July 2019