Jun 2016
In light of the tragic incident in Orlando last night, I would like to offer my utmost, sincere condolences to the friends and families of those massacred. I am saddened and disturbed by this act of brutal violence against innocent people. The killing of innocent life is never justified by religion. I reflect on the following verse in relation to those who kill innocent life, 5:32 reads “…it is as if he had slain mankind entirely…” The perpetrator of this shooting has directly violated this holy commandment and displayed a complete disregard......
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Jun 2016

EMAIL MESSAGE, BY SHEIKH SEKALESHFAR, SENT TO NEWS CHANNEL REPORTER (ABOUT 2 MONTHS AGO) WHO STARTED THE STORY – (NO REPLY HAS BEEN GIVEN TO DATE) On the 29th of March, Eyewitness News, on WFTV channel 9, released a story airing extracts of an academic presentation I had given at the University of Michigan in 2013. They have grossly misrepresented the facts and published a story that is far from the truth. Simply stated, it is libel and defamation. Further aggravating this incredible misreporting is WFTV’s violation of AP standards and practices,......
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